Friday, July 25, 2014

Setting the Stage

Floor of The Roman Senate 
Rome 271 BC

      "And further more I think that Carthage should be destroyed!"  a Senator rails the senate, his voice echoing between the marble columns. Applause fills the senate chamber. 
       "And there you have it. Another Senator for the destruction of Carthage, why it is the Brutii and the Julii seem so set on letting Rome's greets enemy go unscathed while they profit off their own ventures?!" Senator of Capua (Sara Goldstein) says raising more applause. 
       "Perhaps it is because, Senator, that the barbarians at our northern gates are not as far off as the enemy you speak of. Perhaps it is that the Gauls are our true enemies and that the Carthaginians across the sea can wait until Italia is secure! Sympathy from the plebeians will only get you so far Scipii"  A Julii stands (Nicholas Kelly). 
       "Yes a bunch of barbarians are obviously going to sack Rome!" a sarcastic remark zings from the Brutii Senator (Sarah Jungling) who stands with an accusatory pose, "Or perhaps the civilized threats of the Greek City States and the Macedonians are both close and a threat to Roman security!" 

The senate bursts into shouts and yells of opposition. The proconsul bangs his spear on the ground "Order, we shall have order!"  

Strategy Room, Governor's Palace 
Capua 271 BC 
        A messenger enters a large room. At the center of the room 10 commanders sit around a long rectangular table. On the table a map with pieces. At the head of the table Anthony Scipio (Anthony Freed) beside him his general (Andrew Carlson). 
       "Pardon the interruption, sir. Message from the Senator in Rome sir." the messenger says. 
       "What is the message?" Anthony replies. 
       "The senate is gridlocked, they want you to prepare for war, sir. The Senate wants Syracuse." 
        Anthony ponders to himself briefly before turning to his General. "How soon can you be ready for siege on Syracuse?" 
       "I shall rally the men, we will sail for Messana in the morning." the general replies. 
        Anthony turns back to the messenger "anything further?" 
        The messenger pulls a dagger. "Another message sir." The man charges.  The table scrambles for weapons. Feet from Anthony, the general draws his gladius and strikes it hard striking him between neck and shoulder, cleaving him from shoulder to hip. 
        The general turns back to the table, all the men are now on their feet. "It appears that Carthage is not our only enemy." 
         The tax collector (Samantha Stauffer) leans over the body and picks up the assassin's blade, "Roman steel" she says with horror in her voice. 

Temple of Jupiter
Arretium 271 BC 
      Head of Julii House, Kelsey Julius (Kelsey Timmons) stands from her prayer. As she turns she sees the general (John Gray) approaching.  
      "Surprised you waited until I was done to interrupt me this time, General."  she says. 
     "Hopefully you said a good prayer, the Senate is gridlocked. They have given us leeway to fight the Gauls, but that is all they gave us." the general replies. 
      "As though we need their money. Are your men ready to march?" She says confidently. 
       "Been ready for years." the General smirks. 
       Entering the temple now comes another young woman, the tax collector (Lizzie Latham) "A spy was just caught ma'am. He got away with copies of your finances, but we got the battle plans secure before he escaped." 
       "Gallic?" the general asks. 
         "Roman." she replies.  The three exchange looks of shock and confusion. 
       "Seems more than Gauls fight dirty." Kelsey says walking toward the exit of the temple, "come, there is conquering to be done." 

Treasury Vault 
Croton 271 BC 

       The general (AJ) enters the vault escorting the tax collector (Alicia). The Head of House, William Brutus (Detterline)is sitting at the treasury desk. 
      "You summoned us sir?" the general asks. 
       "Yes, it seems like the Senate has decided to give us the go ahead for war with the Greeks and Macedonians."  Brutus replies. 
      "That is excellent news." 
       "Yes, but it seems some of our friends in Rome are not so happy. Seems we are missing some money..." 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It is the Year 270 BC....

It is the year 270 BC and the Roman Republic is poised to take its command at the head of the Western World.... the battle for Rome will be one to decide the fate world...for whom ever controls Rome, controls the world.